This study is intended to help men and women in the local church who eagerly seek to glorify God by living out the unique calling the Lord has given them; to cultivate deep, honest discipleship relationships by learning to follow Jesus, to imitate Jesus, to model the life of Jesus in very real and practical ways, and to help others to follow Jesus.

This vision comes to fruition when men and women learn who they are in Christ and how uniquely God created them to function in the life of the church and in their unique God-created distinct design. We become men and women who abide, believe, adorn, and advance the Gospel when we learn how to read and apply the scriptures to our everyday lives when we learn to share the scriptures, the Gospel, and teach others to go and do the same. Consider this, what would it look like in your church if a group of men and women were rooted in Scripture, attuned to the Holy Spirit, and equipped to enter into their contexts with a more complete understanding of how God wants to use them in His redemptive plan?

Though the study is complementary in nature, we believe that gathering in gender-specific groups allows for concentrated growth in those distinctions. Led by faithful men, Abide, the study for men, will walk through a biblical understanding of manhood, explore what the Bible says masculinity is, and will provide a foundational study that enables men to walk in their God-given distinctions. Led by faithful women, Adorn, the study for women, will walk through a biblical understanding of womanhood, explore what the Bible says about femininity, and enables women to walk in their God-given distinctions. Each group, both Abide and Adorn, will also touch on the other’s distinct role.


While not fully comprehensive, this study exists to equip men and women in the local church in making disciples of the people that Jesus is giving them. Though there is still much that could be studied, this year-long study will provide:

  • An introduction to theology, sound doctrine, gospel fluency, and biblical literacy.
  • A biblical understanding of manhood, womanhood, and what it means to live in these God-given distinctions as we live out of the gospel.
  • An overview of prayer, biblical confession, and what it means to live in a biblical community.
  • Practical study on leading gospel conversations, handling conflict, and counseling the Scripture.
  • Hands-on case studies to practice what you have learned throughout the study.
  • Opportunity to discuss and determine your personal talents and gifting, creating a “mission plan”, and determining how you fit in the life of your local church.


Because this study is intensive and holistic in nature, your attendance is necessary to promote dialogue, work through case studies, and add insight to the group conversations. We understand that there may be times that you are not able to come due to illness, etc. Our hope is that given the dates are pre-planned, you’ll be able to commit and schedule around our study sessions. This may not be the time for you to commit to this and that is okay. We would rather you say yes to this when you are able to give fully to the relationships and work that the study entails.


  • Sessions will mostly be held every other week. There may be a month where there are a few weeks between sessions due to calendar issues such as holidays, summer, etc. In addition, there are two Saturday sessions which will be approximately 8 hours in length.
  • Between each session, you’ll need to set (daily) time aside for reading Scripture and other material and also for reflecting on the information. You’ll bring your reflections to the session for group discussions. Expect to spend 3-5 hours per week on this study.


Each session will be centered around a particular passage from the Bible. In addition, you will be provided a year long reading plan that is intended to help the hearts of each participant to be centered around the same Scripture as we walk together throughout the year. You’ll also be assigned reading material from various books, blogs, and articles.


The cost of this study is $50 and includes a workbook/guide as well as many (though not all) printed study materials.

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